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Why should covid-19 hinder student’s learning? Join arni foundation maths and science academy baner, Pune.
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Why should covid-19 hinder student’s learning? Join arni foundation Pune.
Arni Foundation
Prof. S.M.Kulkarni is in this teaching field from more than 25 years. Now it’s the time to serve, give education and helping those students who aren’t capable of paying huge amount of fees for the tuitions.
Here we are with an initiative for them, called as ‘ARNI FOUNDATION PUNE’. In this, we will be providing online classes for Mathematics, Science and English from 5th to 12th std. (Marathi, Semi- english and English medium) and classes for various competitive exams like NTSE, MTSE, Navidaya exam, scholarship exam etc. at a minimum fee.
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It starlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment alteration to. Place voice no…
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